Spring Essentials
Spring essentials for us at DeBragga, are those meats and poultry that can be pan-roasted or grilled, and that accompany the new young vegetables that arrive in the spring, like asparagus, English peas, and new potatoes.
We’ve been braising all winter and now we are looking for lighter more vibrant fare that still has an exquisite flavor.
Our Elysian Fields Lamb loins and rack, Our Gloucester Old Spot pork chops, and both Moulard and Pekin Duck breasts fit that bill.
Our Gloucester Old Spot pork chops derive from our exclusive project raising these award-winning rare breed hogs with the Amish communities of upstate NY. Tender, well-marbled, and flavorful, our Gloucester old spot pork can be sautéed indoors or grilled outdoors depending on the weather and what you find at the market to go with them.
Our Elysian Fields Lamb is raised on pastures in Western Pennsylvania to the specifications of world-renowned chefs like Thomas Keller, Daniel Boulud, and Jean Georges Vongerichten. What these chefs get is what you get. America’s finest lamb!
And certainly not least, if you haven’t had a roasted or grilled duck breast in a while, then you are in for a treat. Cook rare to medium-rare, the rich flavor, and the tender breast meat is a perfect match for tender spring vegetables.
Elysian Fields Lamb Loin Chops, 8 Chops
As low as $132.95
Elysian Fields Boneless and Tied Lamb Leg
As low as $189.95